2021-2022 CSUF Research Assistants!
Meet the RA’s under the advisement of Dr. Erwin-Davidson! Each student is learning a different aspect that goes into the process of research. Every student contributes to the success of a multi-year project in different, yet significant ways!
Partners4Literacy Project
A Five-Year Implementation Science Study with our partner schools to Improve special Educators’ instructional practices in classrooms so students with complex learning & communication needs have opportunities to develop language and become literate.
Research Assistant Bethany cuts and organizes letters that will be used to create letter name walls for classrooms involved in the Partners4Literacy research project.
Completed letter name wall.
Student Projects
Graduate and Undergraduate Students at CSUF have opportunities to learn about research on several different levels. The following students completed or are beginning projects as part of an Independent Study or University Honor’s Program Project:
Tran, Diana (2020)
Case, R. (2021). From administrators to classroom teachers: Seeking insights into one urban public school’s decision-making process when implementing aided AAC systems. Received a University Student Research Award April 2021.
Herrera, A. (2022)
Zelleman, E. & Rubio, A. (2022)
Roher, E. (2022)